PUBG Mobile Erangle 2.0 Update date soon, Season 14 start date of Pubg Mobile

Pubg Mobile can announce soon the new upadte of pubg Mobile - Erangle 2.0
Pubg mobile recently launch its season 13 with a update on miramar named as Mad - Miramar . This map and its features makes people crazy like godlen mirado and sadstorm . Now according to Experts PUBG MOBILE season 14 is going to launch on 14 July 2020 . As pubg always give a map update on every new season this time they are planing for Erangle map - Going to named as Erangle 2.0 . \

PUBG Mobile Erangle 2.0 Update date soon, Season 14 start date of Pubg Mobile

Features And Improvements of Pubg Mobile Erangle 2.0 -

The Pubg Mobile- Erangel 2.0 in the Game of survival battles brings new improvements in graphics, new areas added, new battle modes, redesigned buildings, more water reflections etc. Pubg Mobile- Erangel 2.0 update also gets submachine guns optimisations, improved DBS shotgun ( air drop gun), balancing while swimming,more vehicle control customisation,adjustment of training feild sensitivity , clear sound optimisations, etc.

PUBG Mobile Payload 2.0 New Update -

The Payload game mode on PUBG Mobile will now gets more changes like new weapons and vehicles. The Payload Mode 2.0 has been ready to bring new equipment like UAV ( car )control terminals, individual soldier radar, and explosion-proof clothing suit. It also gets wepones new versions of vehicles like the UAZ, Dacia, and Buggy. Other heavy weapons include M202 quadruple rocket launcher and AT4-A laser tracking missile in rear gear mode and Payload mode.


In Pubg pc karakin might replace the name of vikendi in pubg pc version with more updates and improvements.

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