Tancent Gaming Buddy - Pubg Mobile 2020 | All Informations - Recent Infos

Tancent Gaming Buddy is a Window Software Which Allow PUBG MOBILE fans to play Pubg Mobile and other games on Emulator . 

Tancent Gaming Buddy - Pubg Mobile 2020 | All Informations - Recent Infos

Tancent gaming buddy requires minimum 3 GB Internet to download and start Pubg Mobile . You need a good Specs Pc to play mobile on emulator as pubg mobile is too big game . It Requiers more internet and spaces in your pc . The Minimum RAM Requirement for tancent gaming buddy software is 8 GB . Further you can buy more Graphics card to improve fps and ping on Emulator ( Pubg ) .


Graphics card --

Graphics card is mostly used in pubg pc and pubg pc lite to increase the realastic view like shadows , grass and viechles .

What is Tancent ?

Origin of Tancent company is from china .Tancent is a mobile game devloping company . It devlopes and mobile games like Pubg Mobile , Call of Duty etc.

Pubg Mobile is chiness game ?

Actually pubg pc is a korean game but after the success of pubg pc the tancent company devloped pubg for mobile . Hecne, the earnng oes to china and it becames a chiness game.

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